Friday, November 30, 2018

Homework #7

        In the article, "Designer tweaks famous logos to use less Ink," by CNN states that by using less ink in company logos that the company will see savings ranging from 10 to 39 percent. "Last year alone, Starbucks produced about 670 million paper cups, with its logo printed on each one. We can estimate, and I insist that it's only a speculation, that a single logo print could use 0.06 ml of ink. Our redesigned logo uses 38 percent less ink, or 0.0228 ml per cup, which could save nearly 4,000 gallons of ink a year." So, if companies tweaked their design to less ink, than it could benefit them by saving money for their company. I think this is a really smart move for companies and for the sake of saving ink.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Homework 6

        In the article, "What convicts can teach us about branding," by Mike Kammerling, it really made me start thinking about the things that I buy on a day to day basis. The most expensive food that I buy frequently is Starbucks drinks/food, and Saladworks.  I always knew they were common well known and liked places, but I never really thought it had much to do with the packaging/label of it. The more I ponder on the concept of packaging, it really does make you wanna but something more than other places even if it is pricey. The Starbucks logo and feel of the store make you feel more sophisticated and maybe be led to believe that the coffee or products that they make there, based on the environment (the design of the store) or the way they label their coffee cups.  Same with salad works. Like they profit off of lettuce, something you could get at your local grocery store and prepare a salad for yourself that's less than $10 dollars. The air, and popularity of a logo and what they represent can really make you gear your decision towards wanting to buy something because you are visually attracted to it. 

Friday, October 26, 2018

Plot for Trypophobia/ serial killer horror movie.

     A woman by the name of Karen Dean lives in a small apartment in Philadelphia with Her husband John Dean, there marriage was holding up okay for the last 3 years. John promised Karen that he would be with her till death at the alter, but soon realizes that dealing with Karen's Trypophobia is exhausting on a day to day basis. So John then filed for a divorce claiming that it was never going to work out between them. Karen's phobia worsened after this event, and she than moved in with her sister, Cathy, and her family in Billington Heights, New York; a population of only 1,358. Karen's therapist referred her to a new therapist where her sister lived, so she could continue seeking treatment for her phobia. Dr. Vantrex is Karen's new therapist upon her arrival to her new dwelling. Dr. Vantrex has been a resident in Billington Heights since he was a young boy. Most would say he is a very strange man, but has an outstanding practice of curing people from their phobias. Most people who come to him seem to be up and gone after a few weeks, so he must be good. At least thats what you would think. Dr. Vantrex is a serial killer who prays on his clients by using their phobia's against them. And if you look at his masks closely you find out where the other patients have gone (makes masks out of people's face).

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Homework #5

    In the Cigarettes & Red Vines article, "Interview: Making ‘The Master' with Poster Artist Dustin Stanton," it discusses some of Dustin Stanton's designs for movie posters, like; Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love, There Will Be Blood, etc. The article interviews Dustin Stanton on the process of which he took to get a successful poster. Stanton said that he went as far as going out and getting his own image of a magnolia flower for his poster and that it made the overall visual of it more appealing. I can really appreciate someone who takes their time and puts thought into their work to make the outcome better. In the article, it also discussed the array of ideas they formed before making a final project final. I like this because it shows me that he doesn't find a done project perfect; instead, he finds more room for improvement. 

Friday, September 28, 2018

Homework #4

       In the article "Everyone is Altered," by Josh Dickey, it talks about how no one is what they look like on TV due to the power of photo retouching. The process of making people digitally beautiful is a tedious task that takes hours upon hours to perfect the final product. I find it admirable that a lot of people go through this tedious work on an everyday basis for actors, models, etc., even though the procedure, in general, is vain.


Thursday, September 20, 2018


         In the New York Times article, "Nike's chief of Design Doodles all Day," I really enjoyed the story aspect of the article and how it painted a picture for me of the design process of the nike shoes. It also gave me the inside scoop of how the chief of design, John Hoke, came to be able to create them. I think John Hoke is a very eccentric human being for his inventive thinking processes on how to make shoes better. For example, when he thought about making the shoes feel as if you were running on grass. John  Hoke said, "Our creative community decided to print out three-dimensional prints of grass, and then they duct-taped them to their feet and ran on the street. So we just said, “What if you actually married real grass or fake grass to the bottom of your shoe?” It’s not a real shoe, but it’s a sort of wonder experiment about where we can take cushioning, and how we can give that unique underfoot feel and sensation of running on grass, even in the concrete canyon." I thought the creative process to get to the conclusion they were seeking was interesting and just a fun and inventive way to do it. I also really enjoyed the one quote he said in the article, because I believe it to be the most true statement about making a creation whether it be art, photography, building, etc. He said, "The job of the designer tomorrow is to take that head-start, take that information and then imbue on top of that their intellect, their imagination, their heart and their hand." I just find this quote to be really motivating as a young artist and gives me a lot of inspiration. It also helps me see a positive view on the outlook of your creations.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Homework #2

        In the TED talk video, "RE-thinking the way we sit down," Neil Diffrient discusses all the factors it takes to have a good model of something so it is usable for what it is made for, and how he got into making designs instead of becoming a jet pilot. Neil in the beginning of the video discussed about how when he was younger he was interested in plains, but he soon realized he was more interested in the way the plains worked and why things were designed that way. He then went to school for Aeronautical Engineering. Finding out early on in the class that they weren't asking him to show designs or his drawings of airplanes he figured out that he wanted to be a designer. This all led him to making designs for chairs, and how to make a design that would comfortably adjust to all different shapes and sizes of people for the chairs. He showed an example to the audience he was talking to of his design for an office chair. Neil made the chairs functions easy and user friendly. He made it so you could adjust the height of the chair depending on how tall someone was, a changeable height head-rest, a changeable height arm-rest, and designed the chair so that you could lounge back in it to allow you to breathe better. Neil said the focus of the chairs design was the importance on how it fit the human body, and what the body needs in a chair. In the same regards to how an airplane needs to be able to be designed correctly for wind. I think that a lot of what someone should focus on when designing a product is hit right on the head when Neil explains all the key points in how he went about his design of the office chair.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Homework #1

"Bad design comes in many forms," which is true in some regards. I do agree with the article that some designs can be made poorly and seen as distasteful. I do know that the design of something is very key when looking at the audience it needs to be presented to, because that can change the whole feel, concept and look of something. The functionality of something as well is very key in design, because if the design is not played out right visually it may not give the proper response that it was intended to give. For example, in the article it talked about street signs and how the new design of them in London, by Kinnier and Calvert, were based upon logic and legibility. In the article they focused on the diverted cyclist sign that had a bold font "D" on the sign that was very distracting in contrast with the rest of the letters. The whole design upon that one mistake was ruined due to this. A design like that, a street sign, should have a flow throughout it and not a bold faced "D" that could distract the drivers from having there eyes go straight to all of the wording instead of just pulling the eyes attention to one letter. So, taking notice to small details in a design could make it or break it.

Friday, August 31, 2018

First day questions:)

*What is your previous computer experience?

My previous computer experience entails being in Graphic Design classes in High school, and using photoshop as my primary tool to create digital art. We very rarely dove into adobe Illustrator in Graphic design classes. I have some experience in adobe Lightroom, because i like to do photography. I also took a Photography class in High school and used photoshop in that class as well.

*What do you hope to get out of this class?

What I really want to get out of this class is to figure out if graphic arts is really a passion for me that I want to pursue as a career, because I'm very undecided. I do know though that what I do best is art and using my creativity as an outlet. I do also wish to better knowledge in this field of work and learn how to use the programs better.

*What is the relationship between computers and visual studies?

I believe the relationship between computers and visual studies is everything today. Everybody has a mini portable computer in their pockets to which we use to a day to day basis. And we see visual art and pictures everyday on it when we open up our apps since they are all logos.

*What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?

My experience with PS And AI is through being introduced to them through my classes in High school.

*Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator?

I do have a computer at home, and I currently do not own PS or AI.

*Do you use a Mac or PC?

I own a Mac laptop. 

*Are you a Visual Studies Major? If not, what is your major?

*What do you hope to do with your major?

I hope to figure out what I want to do as a career through experiencing things.

*Who is your favorite artist?

I don't know who designs their art for their company, but I really love the shirt decal designs for the brand Sketchy Tank.

*Who is your favorite musician? 

My favorite musicians are Brendon Urie from Panic! at the Disco and the band Twenty One Pilots. I just really like their music styles, and their songs really connect with me.

*Tell me something interesting about yourself?

I really like to sing, and I took six years of voice lessons. 
Write a five line story?

One time when I was at work, Steve's Grilled Cheese, and it happened to be really busy night. I was working the counter and waitressing at the same time because we were understaffed. An old man who started the conversation off by telling me he was a chef argued with me about our menu selections. The man stood at the counter talking to me for 30 minutes during our dinner rush talking about why we need to add applesauce to our menu. He repeatedly told me that if we didn't have this for he kids that they would choked die. So I then after this long 30 minutes told this man I would give him free food so he would leave, and he then argue with my managers for 15 minutes more after we gave him his food.