Thursday, September 20, 2018


         In the New York Times article, "Nike's chief of Design Doodles all Day," I really enjoyed the story aspect of the article and how it painted a picture for me of the design process of the nike shoes. It also gave me the inside scoop of how the chief of design, John Hoke, came to be able to create them. I think John Hoke is a very eccentric human being for his inventive thinking processes on how to make shoes better. For example, when he thought about making the shoes feel as if you were running on grass. John  Hoke said, "Our creative community decided to print out three-dimensional prints of grass, and then they duct-taped them to their feet and ran on the street. So we just said, “What if you actually married real grass or fake grass to the bottom of your shoe?” It’s not a real shoe, but it’s a sort of wonder experiment about where we can take cushioning, and how we can give that unique underfoot feel and sensation of running on grass, even in the concrete canyon." I thought the creative process to get to the conclusion they were seeking was interesting and just a fun and inventive way to do it. I also really enjoyed the one quote he said in the article, because I believe it to be the most true statement about making a creation whether it be art, photography, building, etc. He said, "The job of the designer tomorrow is to take that head-start, take that information and then imbue on top of that their intellect, their imagination, their heart and their hand." I just find this quote to be really motivating as a young artist and gives me a lot of inspiration. It also helps me see a positive view on the outlook of your creations.

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