Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Homework #1

"Bad design comes in many forms," which is true in some regards. I do agree with the article that some designs can be made poorly and seen as distasteful. I do know that the design of something is very key when looking at the audience it needs to be presented to, because that can change the whole feel, concept and look of something. The functionality of something as well is very key in design, because if the design is not played out right visually it may not give the proper response that it was intended to give. For example, in the article it talked about street signs and how the new design of them in London, by Kinnier and Calvert, were based upon logic and legibility. In the article they focused on the diverted cyclist sign that had a bold font "D" on the sign that was very distracting in contrast with the rest of the letters. The whole design upon that one mistake was ruined due to this. A design like that, a street sign, should have a flow throughout it and not a bold faced "D" that could distract the drivers from having there eyes go straight to all of the wording instead of just pulling the eyes attention to one letter. So, taking notice to small details in a design could make it or break it.

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