Friday, November 30, 2018

Homework #7

        In the article, "Designer tweaks famous logos to use less Ink," by CNN states that by using less ink in company logos that the company will see savings ranging from 10 to 39 percent. "Last year alone, Starbucks produced about 670 million paper cups, with its logo printed on each one. We can estimate, and I insist that it's only a speculation, that a single logo print could use 0.06 ml of ink. Our redesigned logo uses 38 percent less ink, or 0.0228 ml per cup, which could save nearly 4,000 gallons of ink a year." So, if companies tweaked their design to less ink, than it could benefit them by saving money for their company. I think this is a really smart move for companies and for the sake of saving ink.

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