Friday, October 26, 2018

Plot for Trypophobia/ serial killer horror movie.

     A woman by the name of Karen Dean lives in a small apartment in Philadelphia with Her husband John Dean, there marriage was holding up okay for the last 3 years. John promised Karen that he would be with her till death at the alter, but soon realizes that dealing with Karen's Trypophobia is exhausting on a day to day basis. So John then filed for a divorce claiming that it was never going to work out between them. Karen's phobia worsened after this event, and she than moved in with her sister, Cathy, and her family in Billington Heights, New York; a population of only 1,358. Karen's therapist referred her to a new therapist where her sister lived, so she could continue seeking treatment for her phobia. Dr. Vantrex is Karen's new therapist upon her arrival to her new dwelling. Dr. Vantrex has been a resident in Billington Heights since he was a young boy. Most would say he is a very strange man, but has an outstanding practice of curing people from their phobias. Most people who come to him seem to be up and gone after a few weeks, so he must be good. At least thats what you would think. Dr. Vantrex is a serial killer who prays on his clients by using their phobia's against them. And if you look at his masks closely you find out where the other patients have gone (makes masks out of people's face).

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Homework #5

    In the Cigarettes & Red Vines article, "Interview: Making ‘The Master' with Poster Artist Dustin Stanton," it discusses some of Dustin Stanton's designs for movie posters, like; Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love, There Will Be Blood, etc. The article interviews Dustin Stanton on the process of which he took to get a successful poster. Stanton said that he went as far as going out and getting his own image of a magnolia flower for his poster and that it made the overall visual of it more appealing. I can really appreciate someone who takes their time and puts thought into their work to make the outcome better. In the article, it also discussed the array of ideas they formed before making a final project final. I like this because it shows me that he doesn't find a done project perfect; instead, he finds more room for improvement.